Welcome to ‘What’s New With Vesti?’. A Vesti Newsletter that brings to you everything new with Vesti product features. Vesti’s new feature announcements, feature updates and product related articles would be published via this newsletter weekly. No doubt, this was created with the aim of keeping you informed on our products, new features, and how to locate and use these new features.
Thousands of users are curious to know ‘What’s New With Vesti?’. Why?
There are 4 Million immigrants arriving in the top 10 Developed countries every year. Most immigrants struggle with financial services barriers when they first arrive in a new country. We can help you stay informed about Vesti and experience first hand our innovative evolution.
What’s New With Vesti’s sole purpose is to keep you up to date with the app and provide actionable and valuable insights.
Here’s how this will benefit you as a user of the Vesti app -
You will understand the key trends and changes, so we can build better products.
Join 80,000 + other users. Thanks as always for using the Vesti app.
Watch Out!!! ‘What’s New With Vesti’ would be published every Tuesday on Substack.
You can also access ‘What’s New With Vesti’ articles by visiting app.wevesti.com
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Hope we get this 20$ Amazon gift card
Hope its real